Mission and Vision

Mission Statement:

At the Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology (SPBUNI), we aim to build a vivid, dynamic academic community. This is dear to our hearts, as we strive to kindle innovation, nurture critical thinking, and inculcate in our students a passion for lifelong learning. Since our founding in 2016, we have tirelessly discovered, harnessed, and sent forth talented students in many varied technological and scientific pursuits. We are proud and honored to announce that from 2023 to 2025, we will provide a rich source of academic programs with 275 majors covering bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate degrees, diplomas, and certificates. And this is not the limit – we are set to add another 490 majors from 2026 up to 2027. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our students to take leading positions in their industries and be world-changers.

Vision Statement:

Looking towards the future, we see SPBUNI as a world-leading university in education on science and technology. We position ourselves with a relentless pursuit of academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and innovative thinking. By 2027, we shall have been offering over 765 different majors, spread across 8 faculties. Our mission is to empower our students with a broad-based, interdisciplinary curriculum, making them well-placed in handling the myriad challenges of the future. We pledge to maintain an environment that is inclusive, collaborative, and future-oriented, facilitating our students to reach the full expression of their potentials in their quest to unravel the mysteries of science and technology. Here at SPBUNI, we don’t just teach; we create the future with education.
