Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS)

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a diverse and dynamic institution that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of health, life, and medical sciences. The faculty has five departments, each with its own academic programs and research areas.

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences is committed to excellence in education, research, and service. The faculty has a highly qualified faculty, modern facilities, and strong collaborations with local and international partners. The faculty aims to improve the health and quality of life of people and animals through scientific discovery and innovation

Department of Health Sciences (DHS)

The Department of Health Sciences in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a diverse and multidisciplinary department that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of health sciences. The department aims to prepare students for careers in health promotion, health care, and health research, as well as to enhance the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

The department offers the following majors:

  • Health Promotion and Public Health: This major studies the determinants, policies, and interventions that affect the health of populations and groups, such as infectious diseases, chronic diseases, environmental health, or health equity. Students learn how to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion and public health programs and strategies, as well as how to communicate and collaborate with various stakeholders, such as health professionals, policymakers, or community members.
  • Healthcare Administration: This major focuses on the management and leadership of health care organizations and systems, such as hospitals, clinics, or insurance companies. Students learn how to apply the principles and practices of administration, finance, human resources, quality improvement, and ethics to the health care sector, as well as how to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the health care environment, such as health care reform, innovation, or globalization.
  • Midwifery: This major prepares students for careers as midwives, who provide holistic and evidence-based care to women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal period. Students learn how to support and empower women in their reproductive choices and experiences, as well as how to provide safe and effective care to mothers and newborns. Students also learn about the legal, ethical, and professional aspects of midwifery practice.
  • Nursing: This major trains students to become registered nurses, who provide comprehensive and compassionate care to patients of all ages and backgrounds, in various settings and situations, such as acute care, primary care, or palliative care. Students learn how to assess, diagnose, treat, and educate patients, as well as how to collaborate and coordinate with other health professionals and members of the health care team. Students also learn about the theoretical and practical foundations of nursing, as well as the ethical, legal, and cultural issues of nursing practice.
  • Children’s Nursing: This major specializes in the nursing care of children and young people, from birth to 18 years old, who have various health needs and conditions, such as chronic illness, disability, or injury. Students learn how to provide developmentally appropriate and family-centered care to children and their families, as well as how to advocate and protect the rights and interests of children and young people. Students also learn about the physiological, psychological, and social aspects of child health and development, as well as the specific skills and knowledge required for children’s nursing.
  • Mental Health Nursing: This major concentrates on the nursing care of people with mental health problems and disorders, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, or substance abuse. Students learn how to provide holistic and recovery-oriented care to people with mental health issues, as well as how to support and empower them in their journey of healing and well-being. Students also learn about the biological, psychological, and social factors that influence mental health and illness, as well as the therapeutic interventions and approaches for mental health nursing.
  • Physiotherapy: This major studies the science and practice of physiotherapy, which involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of physical impairments and disabilities, as well as the promotion of physical function and health. Students learn how to use various modalities and techniques, such as exercise, massage, electrotherapy, or hydrotherapy, to restore, maintain, and improve the movement and performance of people with various conditions, such as musculoskeletal, neurological, or cardiovascular disorders. Students also learn about the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human body, as well as the principles and standards of physiotherapy practice.

The department also offers other additional professional and educational programs, such as:

  • Public Health Certificates in different subjects: These are short-term courses that provide students with specialized knowledge and skills in various topics and areas of public health, such as epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, health promotion, or global health. These certificates can be taken as standalone courses or as part of a degree program.
  • International Certification of Herbal Medicine Elementary Level: This is a course that introduces students to the basic concepts and principles of herbal medicine, which is the use of plants and plant extracts for medicinal purposes. Students learn about the history, philosophy, and classification of herbal medicine, as well as the properties, preparation, and administration of common herbs and herbal remedies.
  • International Certification of Herbal Medicine Intermediate Level: This is a course that builds on the elementary level of herbal medicine, and provides students with more advanced knowledge and skills in herbal medicine. Students learn about the pharmacology, toxicology, and interactions of herbs and herbal products, as well as the clinical applications and evidence of herbal medicine for various diseases and disorders.
  • International Diploma in Herbal Medicine Professional Level: This is a course that prepares students for careers as professional herbalists, who are qualified and competent to practice herbal medicine independently or in collaboration with other health professionals. Students learn how to conduct a comprehensive and holistic assessment of patients, as well as how to prescribe, dispense, and monitor herbal treatments, according to the standards and regulations of herbal medicine practice.
  • International Certification of CPR and First Aid: This is a course that teaches students how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid, which are the emergency procedures and techniques that can save lives and prevent further harm in case of cardiac arrest, choking, bleeding, or other injuries. Students learn how to recognize and respond to various emergency situations, as well as how to use various equipment and materials, such as automated external defibrillators (AEDs), bandages, or splints.

The Department of Health Sciences in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is committed to excellence in education, research, and service, and to fostering a collaborative and supportive academic environment. The department welcomes students who are interested in pursuing a career in health sciences, and who share its vision of improving the health and quality of life of people and society.

Program CodeProgramDuration
1PHCAEPublic Health Certificate in Advanced Epidemiology (PHCAE)
2PHCAPPublic Health Certificate in Applied Biostatistics and Public Health Data Science (PHCAP)
3PHCCYFPublic Health Certificate in Child, Youth, and Family Health (PHCCYF)
4PHCCHPublic Health Certificate in Climate and Health (PHCCH)
5PHCCEORPublic Health Certificate in Comparative Effectiveness Outcomes Research (PHCCEOR)
6PHCEHPPublic Health Certificate in Environmental Health Policy (PHCEHP)
7PHCECDPublic Health Certificate in Epidemiology of Chronic Disease (PHCECD)
8PHCFPPublic Health Certificate in Food Systems and Public Health (PHCFP)
9PHCGHPublic Health Certificate in Global Health (PHCGH)
10PHCHCPublic Health Certificate in Health Communication (PHCHC)
11PHCHHRPublic Health Certificate in Health and Human Rights (PHCHHR)
12PHCHASPublic Health Certificate in Health of an Aging Society (PHCHAS)
13PHCHPAPublic Health Certificate in Health Policy Analysis (PHCHPA)
14PHCHPPPublic Health Certificate in Health Policy and Practice (PHCHPP)
15PHCHPRPPublic Health Certificate in Health Promotion Research and Practice (PHCHPRP)
16PHCHELPublic Health Certificate in History, Ethics, and Law (PHCHEL)
17PHCIDEPublic Health Certificate in Infectious Disease Epidemiology (PHCIDE)
18PHCIVPPublic Health Certificate in Injury and Violence Prevention (PHCIVP)
19PHCMEPublic Health Certificate in Molecular Epidemiology (PHCME)
20PHCPMHPublic Health Certificate in Population Mental Health (PHCPMH)
21PHCPHAPublic Health Certificate in Public Health and Humanitarian Action (PHCPHA)
22PHCSSRHPublic Health Certificate in Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health (PHCSSRH)
23PHCSDHPublic Health Certificate in Social Determinants of Health (PHCSDH)
24PHCTOXPublic Health Certificate in Toxicology (PHCTOX)
25ICCFAInternational Certification of CPR and First Aid (ICCFA)

Department of Life Sciences (DLS)

The Department of Life Sciences in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a dynamic and diverse department that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of life sciences. The department aims to provide students with a broad and rigorous education in the biological and biomedical sciences, as well as to foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and excellence in research and teaching.

The department offers the following majors:

  • Biology: This major covers the fundamental concepts and principles of biology, such as cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, evolution, and diversity of life. Students learn how to apply the scientific method and analytical skills to investigate biological phenomena and problems. Students can also choose from a wide range of electives and specializations, such as environmental biology, marine biology, plant biology, or animal biology.
  • Zoology: This major focuses on the study of animals, their structure, function, behavior, and evolution. Students learn how to classify, identify, and observe animals in their natural and laboratory settings. Students also learn about the anatomy, physiology, ecology, and conservation of various animal groups, such as vertebrates, invertebrates, or arthropods.
  • Biofuels Engineering: This major combines the principles of engineering and biology to design, develop, and optimize biofuels and bioproducts from renewable sources, such as biomass, algae, or waste. Students learn how to use biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, and thermodynamics to convert biological materials into energy and value-added products, such as ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, or bioplastics.
  • Genetics and Biotechnology: This major explores the molecular and cellular basis of life, as well as the applications of genetic engineering and biotechnology to improve human health, agriculture, and industry. Students learn how to manipulate DNA, RNA, and proteins, as well as how to use various tools and techniques, such as PCR, cloning, sequencing, gene editing, and transgenesis. Students also learn about the ethical, social, and legal implications of genetic and biotechnological innovations.
  • Bioinformatics: This major integrates the fields of biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics to analyze and interpret large-scale biological data, such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, or transcriptomics. Students learn how to use various software, algorithms, and databases to process, visualize, and model biological data, as well as to discover new biological insights and knowledge. Students can also apply bioinformatics to various domains, such as medicine, pharmacology, ecology, or evolution.
  • Precision Medicine and Bioinformatics: This major applies the principles and methods of bioinformatics to the field of precision medicine, which aims to provide personalized and tailored medical care based on the individual’s genetic, molecular, and environmental profile. Students learn how to use bioinformatics to identify biomarkers, diagnose diseases, predict outcomes, and design treatments for various diseases and disorders, such as cancer, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s.
  • Medical Imaging: This major studies the principles and techniques of imaging the human body and its organs, tissues, and cells, using various modalities, such as X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, PET, or SPECT. Students learn how to acquire, process, analyze, and interpret medical images, as well as how to use them for diagnosis, treatment, and research purposes. Students also learn about the physics, instrumentation, and safety of medical imaging.
  • Radiation Therapy: This major prepares students for careers as radiation therapists, who use ionizing radiation to treat cancer and other diseases. Students learn how to plan, deliver, and monitor radiation therapy, as well as how to work with patients, physicians, and other health professionals. Students also learn about the biology, physics, and dosimetry of radiation therapy, as well as the effects and complications of radiation exposure.
  • Medical Dosimetry: This major trains students to become medical dosimetrists, who calculate and optimize the dose and distribution of radiation for radiation therapy. Students learn how to use various software, equipment, and methods, such as 3D planning, IMRT, IGRT, or brachytherapy, to design and evaluate radiation treatment plans, as well as to ensure the quality and accuracy of radiation delivery. Students also learn about the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of various cancers and diseases, as well as the principles and standards of radiation oncology.
  • Nutrition and Dietetics: This major studies the science and practice of nutrition and dietetics, which involves the assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation of the nutritional status and needs of individuals and populations. Students learn how to apply the principles of nutrition, food science, biochemistry, and physiology to promote health and prevent disease, as well as how to design, implement, and monitor nutrition programs and policies. Students also learn about the cultural, social, and ethical aspects of food and nutrition.
  • Microbiology: This major investigates the diversity, structure, function, and interactions of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa. Students learn how to isolate, culture, identify, and manipulate microorganisms, as well as how to use various tools and techniques, such as microscopy, staining, immunology, or molecular biology. Students also learn about the roles and impacts of microorganisms in various domains, such as health, disease, ecology, or biotechnology.
  • Pharmacology and Drug Development: This major examines the effects and mechanisms of drugs and chemicals on living systems, as well as the processes and challenges of drug discovery and development. Students learn how to measure and analyze the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenetics of drugs, as well as how to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and quality of drugs. Students also learn about the current and emerging drugs and therapies for various diseases and disorders, such as pain, inflammation, infection, or cancer.
  • Physiology: This major explores the functions and regulations of the human body and its organs, systems, and cells, under normal and pathological conditions. Students learn how to measure and interpret various physiological parameters, such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, or metabolism, as well as how to use various tools and techniques, such as electrocardiography, spirometry, or electromyography. Students also learn about the integration and adaptation of physiological processes to various stimuli and stressors, such as exercise, aging, or disease.
  • Neuroscience: This major investigates the structure and function of the nervous system and the brain, as well as the neural basis of behavior and cognition. Students learn how to use various methods and models, such as electrophysiology, neuroimaging, neuroanatomy, or animal behavior, to study the neural circuits, networks, and systems that underlie various phenomena and functions, such as sensation, perception, learning, memory, emotion, or language. Students also learn about the disorders and diseases of the nervous system and the brain, such as stroke, epilepsy, or schizophrenia.
  • Exercise and Sports Sciences: This major studies the effects and benefits of physical activity and exercise on human health, performance, and well-being. Students learn how to assess, prescribe, and monitor exercise programs and interventions for various populations and goals, such as fitness, health, rehabilitation, or sports. Students also learn about the biomechanics, physiology, psychology, and nutrition of exercise and sports, as well as the prevention and management of exercise-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Anatomy: This major describes the form and structure of the human body and its organs, tissues, and cells, at various levels of organization and complexity. Students learn how to use various methods and techniques, such as dissection, histology, or microscopy, to observe and analyze the morphology and organization of the human body, as well as to relate it to its function and development. Students also learn about the variations and abnormalities of human anatomy, as well as the clinical and surgical applications of anatomical knowledge.

The Department of Life Sciences in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of life sciences through cutting-edge research, innovative teaching, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The department welcomes students who are passionate about exploring the mysteries and wonders of life, and who aspire to make a positive impact on the world through science.

Program CodeProgramDuration

Department of Medicine (DM)

The Department of Medicine in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a leading academic and research institution that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of medicine and health sciences. The department aims to provide high-quality education, training, and research opportunities for students, faculty, and staff, as well as to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge and practice in Russia and beyond.

The department offers the following majors:

  • Medicine: This major prepares students for careers as physicians, surgeons, or other medical professionals. Students learn the basic and clinical sciences of medicine, as well as the skills and ethics of medical practice. Students also have the opportunity to participate in clinical rotations, electives, and research projects in various medical specialties and subspecialties.
  • Medical Science: This major focuses on the scientific aspects of medicine and health, such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, and pathology. Students gain a solid foundation in the biomedical sciences, as well as the ability to conduct and evaluate medical research. Students can also choose from a range of electives and specializations, such as neuroscience, molecular medicine, infectious diseases, or public health.
  • Psychology: This major explores the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes, such as cognition, emotion, motivation, personality, and social interaction. Students learn the theories and methods of psychology, as well as the applications of psychological knowledge to various domains, such as health, education, work, and society. Students can also pursue subfields of psychology, such as clinical psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, or social psychology.
  • Biopsychology: This major examines the interactions between biological and psychological factors in influencing behavior and mental processes. Students learn how the brain and nervous system, as well as genes and hormones, affect cognition, emotion, perception, learning, memory, and other psychological phenomena. Students also learn how to use various techniques and tools, such as neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and animal models, to study the biological bases of behavior and mental processes.
  • Cancer Sciences: This major provides an in-depth understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cancer, as well as the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. Students learn the biology and genetics of cancer, as well as the epidemiology and risk factors of cancer. Students also learn about the current and emerging therapies and technologies for cancer, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, gene therapy, and nanomedicine.
  • Surgery: This major prepares students for careers as surgeons or surgical specialists in various fields, such as general surgery, vascular surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, or urology. Students learn the principles and techniques of surgery, as well as the management of surgical patients and complications. Students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in surgical procedures and simulations, as well as to participate in surgical research and innovation.
  • Medical Specialties and Subspecialties: This major allows students to pursue advanced studies and training in specific areas of medicine, such as cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, nephrology, rheumatology, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, radiology, or nuclear medicine. Students learn the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases and disorders, as well as the latest developments and trends in their chosen specialty or subspecialty.

The Department of Medicine in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community. The department welcomes students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine or health sciences, and who share its vision of improving the health and well-being of people and society.

Program CodeProgramDuration

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Science (DVMS)

The Department of Veterinary Medicine and Science in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a prestigious and innovative department that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of veterinary medicine and science. The department aims to provide students with a comprehensive and practical education in the health and welfare of animals, as well as to conduct cutting-edge research and service in the veterinary field.

The department offers the following majors:

  • Veterinary Medicine and Science: This major prepares students for careers as veterinarians, who are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and injuries in animals, as well as the promotion of animal health and public health. Students learn the basic and clinical sciences of veterinary medicine, as well as the skills and ethics of veterinary practice. Students also have the opportunity to participate in clinical rotations, electives, and research projects in various veterinary specialties and subspecialties, such as small animal, large animal, exotic animal, wildlife, or laboratory animal medicine.
  • Veterinary Physiotherapy: This major focuses on the physiotherapy of animals, which involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of physical impairments and disabilities, as well as the enhancement of physical function and performance of animals. Students learn how to use various modalities and techniques, such as exercise, massage, hydrotherapy, or electrotherapy, to restore, maintain, and improve the movement and health of animals with various conditions, such as musculoskeletal, neurological, or cardiovascular disorders. Students also learn about the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of animals, as well as the principles and standards of veterinary physiotherapy practice.
  • Veterinary Surgery and Radiology: This major studies the surgery and radiology of animals, which involve the use of surgical procedures and imaging techniques to diagnose and treat various diseases and disorders in animals, as well as to improve their quality of life. Students learn how to perform and evaluate various surgical procedures and techniques, such as orthopedic, soft tissue, or minimally invasive surgery, as well as how to use and interpret various imaging modalities and techniques, such as X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, or nuclear medicine. Students also learn about the physics, instrumentation, and safety of surgery and radiology, as well as the effects and complications of surgical and radiological interventions.

The Department of Veterinary Medicine and Science in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to fostering a collaborative and supportive academic community. The department welcomes students who are interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine and science, and who share its vision of improving the health and well-being of animals and society.

Program CodeProgramDuration

Department of Dentistry (DD)

The Department of Dentistry in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a renowned and modern department that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of dentistry. The department aims to provide students with a comprehensive and practical education in the science and art of oral health, as well as to conduct high-quality research and service in the dental field.

The department offers the following majors:

  • Oral Biology: This major studies the biological and molecular aspects of oral health and disease, such as the structure, function, and development of oral tissues and organs, the interactions between oral microbiota and host immunity, and the mechanisms and pathways of oral diseases and disorders. Students learn how to use various tools and techniques, such as microscopy, histology, immunology, or molecular biology, to investigate and understand the oral biology of humans and animals. Students also learn about the applications and implications of oral biology for dental practice and research.
  • Dental Surgery: This major prepares students for careers as dental surgeons, who are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and injuries of the teeth, mouth, and jaws, as well as the restoration and enhancement of oral function and appearance. Students learn the basic and clinical sciences of dental surgery, as well as the skills and ethics of dental practice. Students also have the opportunity to participate in clinical rotations, electives, and research projects in various dental specialties and subspecialties, such as endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, orthodontics, or oral and maxillofacial surgery.
  • Oral Medicine: This major focuses on the diagnosis and management of oral and systemic diseases and conditions that affect the oral cavity and its structures, such as oral cancer, oral infections, oral ulcers, or oral manifestations of systemic diseases. Students learn how to use various methods and modalities, such as clinical examination, laboratory tests, biopsy, or imaging, to diagnose and treat oral diseases and disorders, as well as how to collaborate and coordinate with other health professionals and specialists. Students also learn about the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology of oral medicine, as well as the principles and standards of oral medicine practice.

The Department of Dentistry in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to fostering a collaborative and supportive academic community. The department welcomes students who are interested in pursuing a career in dentistry, and who share its vision of improving the oral health and quality of life of people and society.

Program CodeProgramDuration