Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences (FLHSS)

The Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences at Saint Petersburg University of Science and Technology is a diverse and dynamic academic community that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in various fields of study. Our faculty aims to foster critical thinking, creativity, and intercultural competence among our students and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Our faculty consists of the following departments and programs:

  • Philosophy: This department explores the fundamental questions of human existence, knowledge, morality, and culture. Students learn to analyze and evaluate different philosophical perspectives and develop their own arguments and views.
  • Political Science: This department examines the theory and practice of politics, government, and public policy. Students gain an understanding of the political systems, institutions, actors, and processes that shape the world we live in.
  • History: This department traces the development of human societies and cultures from ancient times to the present. Students learn to critically assess historical sources, interpret historical evidence, and communicate historical knowledge.
  • Archaeology: This program offers a degree that trains students in the methods and techniques of archaeological research. Students learn to excavate, analyze, and interpret material remains of past civilizations and cultures.
  • Law: This program offers a degree that provides students with a comprehensive and practical education in the field of law. Students learn the principles and rules of law, the legal system and institutions, and the skills of legal reasoning and advocacy.
  • Economics: This department studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in society. Students learn the concepts and tools of economic analysis and apply them to various economic issues and problems.
  • International Economic and Finance: This program offers a specialized degree that focuses on the global aspects of economics and finance. Students learn the theories and practices of international trade, finance, and development and their implications for the world economy and society.
  • Journalism and Mass Communication: This department prepares students for careers in the media and communication industries. Students learn the skills and ethics of journalism, public relations, advertising, and digital media and how to produce and disseminate information to diverse audiences.
  • Different Languages and Literature: This department teaches students various languages and their literature and culture. Students learn to read, write, speak, and listen in different languages and to appreciate the literary and artistic achievements of different writers and speakers. The languages offered include Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, and more.
  • Education Sciences: This department studies the theory and practice of education and learning. Students learn the principles and methods of teaching, curriculum design, assessment, and educational research and how to apply them in various educational settings and contexts.
  • Early Childhood Education: This program offers a degree that prepares students for teaching and working with young children from birth to eight years old. Students learn the developmental, social, emotional, and cognitive needs of young children and how to design and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences and environments for them.
  • Elementary Education: This program offers a degree that prepares students for teaching and working with children from six to twelve years old. Students learn the core subjects and skills of elementary education and how to plan and deliver effective and engaging instruction and assessment for diverse learners.

In addition to these degree programs, our faculty also offers 35 other additional professional and educational programs that provide students with international certifications and diplomas in various languages and disciplines. These programs are designed to enhance the students’ knowledge and skills and to increase their employability and competitiveness in the global market. Some of these programs are:

  • International Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication: This program provides students with a comprehensive and practical training in the field of journalism and mass communication. Students learn the theories and techniques of news writing, reporting, editing, broadcasting, and digital media and how to produce and distribute quality and ethical information to the public.
  • International Diploma in Psychology: This program provides students with a basic and applied education in the field of psychology. Students learn the concepts and methods of psychological science and how to apply them to understand and improve human behavior and well-being.
  • International Certification of English Language Elementary Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the English language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of English Language Intermediate Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the English language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in English Language Advanced Level: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the English language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of German Language Elementary Level [A1,A2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the German language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in German and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of German Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the German language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in German and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in German Language Advanced and Highly Competent Level [C1,C2]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the German language at the advanced and highly competent level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in German and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Russian Language Elementary Level [A1,A2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Russian language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Russian and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Russian Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Russian language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Russian and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Russian Language Advanced Level and TORFL [C1,C2]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Russian language at the advanced level and the Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL). Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Russian and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of French Language Elementary Level [DILF]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the French language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in French and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of French Language Intermediate Level [DELF]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the French language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in French and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in French Language Advanced Level [DALF]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the French language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in French and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Spanish Language Elementary Level [A1,A2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Spanish language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Spanish Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Spanish language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Spanish Language Advanced Level [C1,C2,DELE and SIELE]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Spanish language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish and how to use them in academic and professional contexts. They also prepare for the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) and the Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española (SIELE) exams.
  • International Certification of Korean Language Elementary Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Korean language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Korean and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Korean Language Intermediate Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Korean language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Korean and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Korean Language Advanced Level: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Korean language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Korean and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Chinese Language Elementary Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Chinese language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Chinese and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Chinese Language Intermediate Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Chinese language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Chinese and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Chinese Language Advanced Level: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Chinese language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Chinese and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Japanese Language Elementary Level [N5]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Japanese language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Japanese and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Japanese Language Intermediate Level [N4,N3]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Japanese language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Japanese and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Japanese Language Advanced Level [N2,N1]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Japanese language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Japanese and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Arabic Language Elementary Level [A1,A2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Arabic language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Arabic and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Arabic Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Arabic language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Arabic and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Arabic Language Advanced Level [C1,C2]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Arabic language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Arabic and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Persian Language Elementary Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Persian language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Persian and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Persian Language Intermediate Level: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Persian language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Persian and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Persian Language Advanced Level: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Persian language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Persian and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
  • International Certification of Hebrew Language Elementary Level [Aleph]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Hebrew language at the elementary level. Students learn the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Hebrew and how to use them in simple and familiar situations.
  • International Certification of Hebrew Language Intermediate Level [Bet,Gimel]: This program provides students with a certification that demonstrates their proficiency in the Hebrew language at the intermediate level. Students learn the intermediate skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Hebrew and how to use them in more complex and varied situations.
  • International Diploma in Hebrew Language Advanced Level [Dalet,Heh]: This program provides students with a diploma that demonstrates their proficiency in the Hebrew language at the advanced level. Students learn the advanced skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Hebrew and how to use them in academic and professional contexts.
Program CodeProgramDuration
1BPHBachelor of Philosophy (BPH)
2BPSBachelor of Political Science (BPS)
3BECBachelor of Economics (BEC)
4BIEFBachelor of International Economic and Finance (BIEF)
5BJMCBachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC)
6BRLLBachelor of Russian Language and Literature (BRLL)
7BELLBachelor of English Language and Literature (BELL)
8BGLLBachelor of German Language and Literature (BGLL)
9BFLLBachelor of French Language and Literature (BFLL)
10BSLLBachelor of Spanish Language and Literature (BSLL)
11BKLLBachelor of Korean Language and Literature (BKLL)
12BCLLBachelor of Chinese Language and Literature (BCLL)
13BJLLBachelor of Japanese Language and Literature (BJLL)
14BALLBachelor of Arabic Language and Literature (BALL)
15BPLLBachelor of Persian Language and Literature (BPLL)
16BHLLBachelor of Hebrew Language and Literature (BHLL)
17MPHILMaster of Philosophy (MPHIL)
18MPSMaster of Political Science (MPS)
19MHIMaster of History (MHI)
20MILMaster of International Literature (MIL)
21MECMaster of Economics (MEC)
22MIEFMaster of International Economic and Finance (MIEF)
23MJMCMaster of Journalism and Mass Communication (MJMC)
24MPRAMaster of Public Relations and Advertising (MPRA)
25MJPMaster of Journalism and Publishing (MJP)
26MJMMaster of Journalism and Media (MJM)
27MRLLMaster of Russian Language and Literature (MRLL)
28MELLMaster of English Language and Literature (MELL)
29MGLLMaster of German Language and Literature (MGLL)
30MFLLMaster of French Language and Literature (MFLL)
31MSLLMaster of Spanish Language and Literature (MSLL)
32MKLLMaster of Korean Language and Literature (MKLL)
33MCLLMaster of Chinese Language and Literature (MCLL)
34MJLLMaster of Japanese Language and Literature (MJLL)
35MALLMaster of Arabic Language and Literature (MALL)
36MPLLMaster of Persian Language and Literature (MPLL)
37MHLLMaster of Hebrew Language and Literature (MHLL)
38PHIL PhDPh.D. in Philosophy (PHIL PhD)
39PS PhDPh.D. in Political Science (PS PhD)
40IL PhDPh.D. in International Literature (IL PhD)
41EC PhDPh.D. in Economics (EC PhD)
42IEF PhDPh.D. in International Economic and Finance (IEF PhD)
43MJMCPh.D. in Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC PhD)
44RLL PhDPh.D. in Russian Language and Literature (RLL PhD)
45ELL PhDPh.D. in English Language and Literature (ELL PhD)
46GLL PhDPh.D. in German Language and Literature (GLL PhD)
47FLL PhDPh.D. in French Language and Literature (FLL PhD)
48SLL PhDPh.D. in Spanish Language and Literature (SLL PhD)
49KLL PhDPh.D. in Korean Language and Literature (KLL PhD)
50CLL PhDPh.D. in Chinese Language and Literature (CLL PhD)
51JLL PhDPh.D. in Japanese Language and Literature (JLL PhD)
52ALL PhDPh.D. in Arabic Language and Literature (ALL PhD)
53PLL PhDPh.D. in Persian Language and Literature (PLL PhD)
54HLL PhDPh.D. in Hebrew Language and Literature (HLL PhD)
55ICHMEInternational Certification of Herbal Medicine Elementary Level (ICHME)
56ICHMIInternational Certification of Herbal Medicine Intermediate Level (ICHMI)
57IDHMInternational Diploma in Herbal Medicine Professional Level (IDHM)
58IDJMCInternational Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (IDJMC)
59IDPSYInternational Diploma in Psychology(IDPSY)
60ICELEInternational Certification of English Language Elementary Level (ICELE)
61ICELIInternational Certification of English Language Intermediate Level (ICELI)
62IDELAInternational Diploma in English Language Advanced Level (IDELA)
63ICGLEInternational Certification of German Language Elementary Level [A1,A2] (ICGLE)
64ICGLIInternational Certification of German Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2] (ICGLI)
65IDGLAHCInternational Diploma in German Language Advanced and Highly Competent Level [C1,C2] (IDGLAHC)
66ICRLEInternational Certification of Russian Language Elementary Level [A1,A2] (ICRLE)
67ICRLIInternational Certification of Russian Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2] (ICRLI)
68IDRLATInternational Diploma in Russian Language Advanced Level and TORFL [C1,C2] (IDRLAT)
69ICFLEInternational Certification of French Language Elementary Level [DILF] (ICFLE)
70ICFLIInternational Certification of French Language Intermediate Level [DELF] (ICFLI)
71IDFLAInternational Diploma in French Language Advanced Level [DALF] (IDFLA)
72ICSLEInternational Certification of Spanish Language Elementary Level [A1,A2] (ICSLE)
73ICSLIInternational Certification of Spanish Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2] (ICSLI)
74IDSLAInternational Diploma in Spanish Language Advanced Level [C1,C2,DELE and SIELE] (IDSLA)
75ICKLEInternational Certification of Korean Language Elementary Level (ICKLE)
76ICKLIInternational Certification of Korean Language Intermediate Level (ICKLI)
77IDKLAInternational Diploma in Korean Language Advanced Level (IDKLA)
78ICCLEInternational Certification of Chinese Language Elementary Level (ICCLE)
79ICCLIInternational Certification of Chinese Language Intermediate Level (ICCLI)
80IDCLAInternational Diploma in Chinese Language Advanced Level (IDCLA)
81ICJLEInternational Certification of Japanese Language Elementary Level [N5] (ICJLE)
82ICJLIInternational Certification of Japanese Language Intermediate Level [N4,N3] (ICJLI)
83IDJLAInternational Diploma in Japanese Language Advanced Level [N2,N1] (IDJLA)
84ICALEInternational Certification of Arabic Language Elementary Level [A1,A2] (ICALE)
85ICALIInternational Certification of Arabic Language Intermediate Level [B1,B2] (ICALI)
86IDALAInternational Diploma in Arabic Language Advanced Level [C1,C2] (IDALA)
87ICPLEInternational Certification of Persian Language Elementary Level (ICPLE)
88ICPLIInternational Certification of Persian Language Intermediate Level (ICPLI)
89IDPLAInternational Diploma in Persian Language Advanced Level (IDPLA)
90ICHLEInternational Certification of Hebrew Language Elementary Level [Aleph] (ICHLE)
91ICALIInternational Certification of Hebrew Language Intermediate Level [Bet,Gimel] (ICALI)
92IDALAInternational Diploma in Hebrew Language Advanced Level [Dalet,Heh] (IDALA)